
Mart, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Olga Juravschi

Logos for the project  
Our next activities will be about Math in traditional recipes. We will work in 7 mixed teams using the TwinSpace Forum. Good luck to everyone!  
It was indeed an awesome event! Students were introducing themselves and we were discussing on our future activities, Math in traditional recipes...    
Here is students' collaborative work: some facts and curiosities about Pi number  

Project plan

Project plan  

Abot the project

          Math is not one of the most preferable subjects in schools, however, those who are really passionate about it are able to do great things. This project is meant to change to meaning of math as a subject taught in schools and to make others to like it and why not to love it. Through this project we will motivate students to aknowledge that math is a part of their daily life and all of us are surrounded by its beauty. More than that, during this project we will explore different aspects and topics about mathematics that are integrated in the curriculum.

Exploring PI Day in Real Life!

 Rich and harmonious collaboration in this exploration. Thanks to the collaborators!
What really influenced me during my work on this project despite my humble experience with twinning projects, the enthusiasm and motivation that is evident in the eyes of the participating students ... I saw their eyes sparkling with passion as they look to the future, especially when they are new. The windows open in front of them to widen their horizons of vision, and that is the essence of my message as an educator.
  We will have our first students meeting on 24 th March 2021 ,16:00 CET time. We are excited to meet our colleagues and students in the project, exchange opinions and have great time. 
    Math is not one of the most preferable subjects in schools, however, those who are really passionate about it are able to do great things. This project is meant to change to meaning of math as a subject taught in schools and to make others to like it and why not to love it. Through this project we will motivate students to aknowledge that math is a part of their daily life and all of us are surrounded by its beauty. More than that, during this project we will explore different aspects and topics about mathematics that are integrated in the curriculum.

Project Logos

Project Logos  

Project plan

Project plan  

About the project

          Math is not one of the most preferable subjects in schools, however, those who are really passionate about it are able to do great things. This project is meant to change to meaning of math as a subject taught in schools and to make others to like it and why not to love it. Through this project we will motivate students to aknowledge that math is a part of their daily life and all of us are surrounded by its beauty. More than that, during this project we will explore different aspects and topics about mathematics that are integrated in the curriculum.